Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 61: "I Have a Feeling...That This Week's Gonna Be a Good Week"

January 19, 2015

Dear Mom, Dad, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Grandma, Grandpa, Adopted Mothers, Fathers, Siblings, and Good Friends,

Can you believe that It is a week away until I've been here for 6 months? I can't believe it. Transfers are this Saturday again, which means that I'll have 3 transfers on my mission. But I'm not dwelling on that.

I'm so excited. Elder Russell M. Nelson is coming to see us missionaries this Saturday as well. He is going to greet us all personally. I feel like I have a connection with him. He came to our Taber Stake When I was about 14, and I remember shaking his hand there. He came to the MTC when I was there, and I got to sing in a choir for him. And now, I get to sing in another missionary choir for him as he comes here! I'm been trying my best to prepare spiritually for it, because I know this is a great chance to receive inspiration. Elder Martino of the Seventy is also coming, and is speaking to our Stake in a Special Stake Conference, which apparently rarely happens. I'm excited to hear what they have to say.

This week was a great one. I don't even remember what happened. I just remember it was good. I need to be better at writing in a journal! I'm still working on directing a roadshow for the Youth of Hidden Springs, and I love it! However, it was absolutely crazy trying to work with 30 teenagers running around. The next smaller rehearsal was much better. It's going to be funny.

It's warm enough that we had the chance to do some walking. Several appointments we made weren't home, which was disappointing. But walking was enjoyable, even in the rain. We tried to contact as many people as we could that we've never met before. That's one of my favorite things to do.

We had a fantastic Book of Mormon class, and a great new member discussion with Louis afterward. 
Well, things are good. I'll talk to you all later. Bennett, out.

Your Sister.

Ok, I remembered about this week! 1st.

I went on an AMAZING split the other day, with a girl who is graduating and going to Utah State University. She is auditioning for a music program there. Holy smokes she is beautiful. She had never been out with missionaries before, so she was excited. While Sister Capitan stayed and taught 8 year olds with another graduate, I took her to a remote house, where an old less active farmer and his wife were, and we had a really good talk about prayer with Jean. I asked Audrey to bear her testimony, and it was so powerful! She also asked me audition advice, since we're both singers. She thought I was in a music program at BYU. It was probably the highlight of my week to be a missionary with her. Her Mom pulled me aside at Sacrament meeting and thanked me for taking her out, that it really made an impact on Audrey. That was my favorite moment of the week.

We helped some sisters out that were sick. I got to see Alfie Boe sing with Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and I melted. I miss professional, amazing performances like that. Ok, gotta go, love you!

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